About the non-profit organization Boven de Wolken
Two unique stories brought Sharon and Anneleen together and they became the driving force behind the non-profit organization Boven de Wolken. Their goal? Give every parent of a star child a beautiful memory of their little miracle.

Geschreven door: Planet B

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Two stories, one shared feeling

Sharon and Anneleen found each other in their own unique story. Sharon lost her daughter Nina in 2012, but still felt more like a mom than she had ever been. Although the death brought her much sadness, she was equally overwhelmed by love. She knew then how important it was to cherish that moment. That's why she called a photographer friend who helped her immortalize this event. They took hundreds of photos of Nina together with mom, dad, brother and grandpa. Photos of them all together. Photos that she can show, photos that she can always look back on. And she does so, with pride and pride.

In 2015, Anneleen, as a midwife, had to let Marilou go, Roel and Anne-Sofie's child. So she suggested they take photos of their last moments together. She took pictures of the family, her hands and feet. She was allowed to share in their sadness, happiness and pride for three days. Afterwards she often heard how much those photos mean to them. From then on, Anneleen knew what beautiful memories she could give to families of angel babies.

Two unique stories brought Sharon and Anneleen together

Sharon and Anneleen found each other on social media through each other's stories and therefore contacted eachother. They felt connected by their pride and this bond later became the driving force behind the non-profit organization Boven de Wolken, with which they want to offer free photo shoots to mothers of angel babies. And so the non-profit organization Boven de Wolken was born on April 14, 2016. By two women with their own, but equally important, experience.

In the meantime, the non-profit organization Boven de Wolken has grown into an organization with no fewer than 300 photographers and 50 administrative employees. It receives more than 1,100 calls every year and expanded to Wallonia in 2018. The same goal always comes first: to offer every parent of an angel baby the opportunity to have a photo shoot made of their deceased baby free of charge.

Let's find support from each other and give to each other ❤️

The photographers only receive a kilometer allowance and the non-profit organization runs on donations. It is only paid in gratitude and satisfaction. WONDR thinks this is a wonderful story and therefore offered its support. Come personalize your hand soap bottle and towel in our stores and contribute to this great initiative.

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